NunatuKavut Election 2024

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by ahnationtalk on September 23, 202474 Views

NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of NunatuKavut that a general election will take place on November 7, 2024. It has been called for the following positions:

  • President
  • Councillor for Area 1: Straits (1 position)
  • Councillor for Area 2: Battle Harbour (1 position)
  • Councillors for Area 3: Bolsters Rock to Spear Point (2 positions)
  • Councillor for Area 4: Sandwich Bay/Island of Ponds (1 position)
  • Councillors for Area 5: Central/Northern Labrador (2 positions)
  • Councillor for Area 6: Western Labrador (1 position)
  • Councillor for Area 7: All of Canada outside NunatuKavut (1 position)
  • Youth Councillor


The Call for Nominations for all offices will start at 8:00 a.m. AST on October 4, 2024. Nominations must be made by submitting a written nomination paper with the Returning Officer before 8:00 p.m. AST on October 17, 2024. Nomination papers may be obtained from the Returning Officer.

A nomination by an elector must be seconded by at least nine (9) electors and accepted in writing by the candidate in order to be valid. Nomination papers may be filed in person, by mail, electronically or by fax. An elector may nominate one (1) candidate for each office of President, Councillor for their electoral area and Youth Councillor.


Voting will open online and by telephone, at 8:00 AM AST on October 30, 2024. Voting will remain open until 8:00 PM AST on November 7, 2024. Simply Voting Inc. has been hired as the independent, third-party election provider. Voters are responsible for conducting their vote prior to the official end date and time in order for it to be officially tallied.

Voters living in NunatuKavut also have the option to vote in-person in their area of permanent residency between the hours of 8:00 AM AST and 8:00 PM AST on election day, November 7, 2024. The following communities will have a polling station:

  • L’anse au Loup
  • Pinsent’s Arm
  • St. Lewis
  • Charlottetown
  • Mary’s Harbour
  • Port Hope Simpson
  • Cartwright
  • Black Tickle
  • Happy Valley-Goose Bay
  • North West River
  • Churchill Falls
  • Labrador West

Instructions for voting will be sent to each elector in the near future.


For more information, contact Debbie Goudie, Returning Officer, at:

A. 49B Grenfell Street, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
T. 709-896-4011


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