Business Analyst Consultants – Request for Supplier Qualifications
Basic Information
Reference Number
Issuing Organization
NL Provincial Health Shared Services Supply Chain
Owner Organization
Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services
Solicitation Type
RFSQ – Request for Supplier Qualifications – Prequalifications (Formal)
Solicitation Number
Business Analyst Consultants – Request for Supplier Qualifications
Source ID
Agreement Types
Atlantic Procurement Agreement
Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
The Atlantic Procurement Agreement
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador
Purchase Type
Duration: 1 year
2025/02/14 04:33:36 PM NST
Bid Intent
Not Available
Question Acceptance Deadline
2025/02/24 02:00:00 PM NST
Questions are submitted online
Closing Date
2025/03/06 02:00:00 PM NST
Contact Information
Courtney Sacuta
NL Health Services (NLHS) is administering this RFSQ on behalf of NL Digital Health. This RFSQ is intended to pre-qualify vendors to participate in an upcoming Request for Proposal(s) (RFP) for Business Analyst Consultants. Only vendors who have been pre-qualified under this RFSQ will be eligible to participate in the RFP.
The RFSQ will not directly result in a contract or any other legally binding obligation(s) as its sole intent is to establish a vendor pool for an upcoming or future open call(s). Once the vendor pool is established, a separate open call process will be initiated which will ultimately select a preferred bidder(s) to enter into contract negotiations.
This will be in accordance with the specifications and requirements set out in this RFSQ, as well as the Public Procurement Act.
The vendor pools that are created as a result of this RFSQ will be available for a one (1) year period.
This RFSQ will pre-qualify respondents (the first part of the process) to participate in subsequent Request for Proposals (the second part of the process) outlining specific Business Analyst Consultants/project requirements. Multiple vendors (up to 5) will be selected to establish a vendor of record list to receive limited call Request for Proposals (the second part of the process) outlining specific Business Analyst Consultants/project requirements. Selection will be determined through a scoring process outlined in the RFSQ. Selected respondents will be invited to enter into an agreement through a subsequent limited call Request for Proposal process, which will govern the potential subsequent provision of the Deliverables pursuant to invitational second-stage competitive processes. The term of the Agreement will be determined through the limited call Request for Proposal process.
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