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What are the micro-aggressions Indigenous people in NL face and how do we fix them? – PNI Atlantic News

by ahnationtalk on February 7, 202522 Views

Feb 07, 2025

The wording used and the harm caused by signs spotted in Glenwood, NL recently lays bare a conversation surrounding micro-aggressions faced by Indigenous peoples and their prevalence in our society today.

A sign spotted in Glenwood, NL, recently that has sparked outrage among some residents due to its blatant targeting of Indigenous people is just one example of the micro-aggressions people in the Indigenous community experience every day, says Danielle Crant.

The wording used and the harm caused by these signs lays bare the micro-aggressions and their prevalence in our society today.

Crant, who grew up in the Glenwood area and is a member of the Miawpukek First Nation, has experienced this herself.

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