The Arts in a Digital World Research Initiative – Request for Proposal
Dec 23, 2015
The Canada Council for the Arts is developing a strategy to support the arts sector in its ongoing adaptation to the digital transformation. The strategy will aim to ensure the arts sector’s adaptability, sustainability and capacity in a digital age.
As a foundational piece of this strategy, the Council is conducting a comprehensive research initiative that will have two major components:
a review and assessment of strategies and studies at the national and international level designed to support and promote digital capacity in the arts and culture
a survey of the Canadian professional arts sector to understand the current level of integration of digital technology and the opportunities for the future.
The Council is seeking the services of a research agency or team of researchers to undertake this research initiative. Researchers and Agencies will be able to bid on the full RFP alone or in consortia and may bid on one or both components. Agencies must ensure that the team contains the following expertise:
Strong critical analysis skills
Survey methodologies and quantitative and qualitative analysis
Expertise in digital thinking, trends and approaches
Interactive digital tools, research dissemination and knowledge mobilization
Strong knowledge of the national and international arts sector
Bilingual capacity
Proposals must be submitted by email in pdf format to:
Alexis Andrew
Director, Research, Evaluation and Performance Measurement
Canada Council for the Arts
Performance Court
2nd Floor, 150 Elgin Street
P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5V8 and
and must be delivered no later than 3pm on Monday, January 18, 2016.
Download the Request for Proposal
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