Successful trial of portable x-ray unit in Hopedale

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by ahnationtalk on December 20, 202439 Views

December 20, 2024

The Nunatsiavut Department of Health and Social Development (DHSD), in partnership with  Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services, is pleased to announce the successful trial of a Health Canada approved ultra-portable x-ray unit in Hopedale.

Although x-rays have been around since the late 1800s, they remain unavailable in many rural and remote regions. To address this gap, and reduce the need for community members to travel for medical imaging to Happy Valley-Goose Bay or beyond, the Nunatsiavut Government, through DHSD, established a collaborative working group in September 2022. The group is comprised of experts from NL Health Services, the Department of Health and Community Services, the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, and Indigenous Services Canada – Atlantic.

Led by DHSD, the working group identified the Fujifilm FDR Xair as a suitable solution for Labrador Inuit communities. A team from NL Health Services and DHSD conducted a clinical trial of the unit at the Hopedale Community Clinic on December 3. The clinical trial aimed to test the quality of the images, the ability to transfer and view the images remotely, and the ease of use of the unit. The trial was a complete success, with several clients receiving x-rays over two days, notes Health and Social Development Minister Roxanne Barbour.

“The successful trial of the portable x-ray unit in Hopedale demonstrates our commitment to improving access to healthcare in our communities. We are pleased with the positive feedback and look forward to hopefully expanding this service to other communities.”

DHSD will continue to work with its partners to ensure the availability of this valuable health-care tool across Nunatsiavut.

“Exploring innovative ways to work with Indigenous communities to increase access to services so that patients receive care closer to home is critical for NL Health Services,” said Dr. Angela Pickles, Provincial Clinical Chief, Medical Imaging Program. “Partnerships like this demonstrate our commitment to bring NL Health Services’ mission to life by working together to improve health outcomes through an innovative, integrated and sustainable health system.”

Media Contacts:

Bert Pomeroy
Director of Communications
Nunatsiavut Government

Jeanette Okeefe
Director – Communucations
Labrador-Grenfell Zone
Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services


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