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Report released on the impact of 2009-2014 Economic and Social Inclusion Plan

by ahnationtalk on June 25, 2015662 Views

FREDERICTON (GNB) — The Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation (ESIC) released today the report Together: The Impact of New Brunswick’s 2009-2014 Economic and Social Inclusion Plan. The report documents actions and initiatives that were part of the provincial plan.

Included in the report are highlights of the plan, movement on the 12 performance indicators, success stories from the 12 Community Inclusion Networks, and a summary of the 22 Priority Actions that made up the plan.

“The report that ESIC is releasing today provides a wealth of information on the implementation of this innovative initiative,” said Monique Richard, chair of the board of directors of ESIC. “Residents will discover that the implementation of New Brunswick’s Economic and Social Inclusion Plan over the past five years has led to a change of culture in the way poverty is addressed in our province.”

The report covers the period from November 2009 to December 2014.

Highlights of the report include:

  • For female lone-parent families, two-parent families and unattached individuals, the incidence of poverty has seen a reduction anywhere from 25 per cent to 43 per cent. This surpassed the goal of 25 per cent set out in the beginning.
  • Efforts to reduce deep income poverty by 50 per cent have not achieved the same results. A slight increase of about 5 per cent has been seen in some situations.
  • Twenty-one of the 22 Priority Actions set in the plan have been completed. The remaining actions are in progress and have been carried over into the Overcoming Poverty Together 2014-2019 Plan for completion.
  • Twelve Community Inclusion Networks were established to identify, through a collaborative process, regional poverty issues and priorities, to develop and implement regional plans, and to act on these challenges at a regional level. In a little over three years, the networks have established partnerships with numerous community groups and have had a significant impact on their communities:

o        212 projects developed and/or implemented;

o        more than 44,000 people mobilized;

o        Almost $8.3 million of community investment in projects;

o        For each dollar invested by ESIC, $3.40 was invested by the community partners.

  • Development and implementation of Healthy Smiles Clear Vision Plan for children of low-income families.
  • Increase of the minimum wage to $10 per hour.
  • Development and implementation of the New Brunswick Drug Plan.
  • A reform of the provincial social assistance system.

“We must constantly work together to grow the economy while ensuring greater inclusion of all New Brunswickers,” said Government Services Minister Ed Doherty, who is also minister responsible for the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation.

Overcoming Poverty Together 2009-2014 has brought a cross-section of New Brunswickers together through public engagement to develop and adopt a provincial plan to overcome poverty. The entire process reaffirmed the ability and desire of residents with lived experience, non-profit groups, businesses and government to contribute to the increased quality of life for all New Brunswickers through the creation of a plan.

The Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation is a Crown corporation that co-ordinates and supports implementation of the Overcoming Poverty Together plan. The corporation’s board of directors is composed of members representing residents with lived experience, non-profit groups, businesses and government.

Media Contact(s)

Marc Gosselin, communications, Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation, 1-888-295-4545.


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