Remembering Shannen Koostachin and the forgotten generation of Indigenous children – CBC

by ahnationtalk on November 30, 2015563 Views

November 27, 2015

Shannen Koostachin was just 15-years-old in this video, speaking at the Ontario Federation of Labour Convention in 2009. She was there to raise awareness about the state of aboriginal education in communities such as Attawapiskat — the fly-in First Nation in Northern Ontario she came from. And raise awareness she did.

But just eight months after that speech, Shannen Koostachin would die, in a tragic automobile accident.

NDP MP Charlie Angus, who represents the northern riding of Timmins-James Bay was a close friend of Shannen’s.

Charlie Angus has recently written a new book about her, and her campaign for a new school in Attawapiskat. It’s called “Children of the Broken Treaty: Canada’s Lost Promise and One Girl’s Dream.”

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