RCMP commit to diversity, elimination of racial discrimination in Yarmouth area service – Nova News Now
March 29, 2016
GREENVILLE – In a small church in Greenville, Yarmouth County, the RCMP hoped to spread a large message.
Members of the RCMP participated in a church service aimed at drawing attention to the issue of the elimination of racial discrimination.
The service was held at the Greenville United Baptist Church, one day before the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
It also came 18 years after the RCMP gathered in the same church following Operation Show and Tell, which focused on Black RCMP members and their accomplishments.
Read More: http://www.novanewsnow.com/Community/2016-03-29/article-4480270/RCMP-commit-to-diversity%2C-elimination-of-racial-discrimination-in-Yarmouth-area-service/1