Q&A with Jack Saddleback: ‘Excited about the future’ for trans, gay, indigenous people – CBC
Jan 25, 2016
A motivational speaker is in Corner Brook Monday to speak about overcoming barriers in his experience as a Cree, two-spirit, transgender, gay man.
Jack Saddleback, who is also president of the student union at the University of Saskatchewan, will be giving a talk called “There are no closets in tipis” Monday afternoon at Memorial University’s Grenfell campus
But early Monday morning, Saddleback was in CBC studios speaking with the Corner Brook Morning Show.
Here’s Saddleback’s conversation with host Lindsay Bird.
Read More: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/jack-saddleback-grenfell-no-closets-in-tipis-1.3211670