Provincial Government Taking Action to Address Gender-Based Violence

by ahnationtalk on January 23, 202518 Views

January 23, 2025

The Honourable Pam Parsons, Minister Responsible for the Office of Women and Gender Equality, and the Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Justice and Public Safety, today announced several new actions to address gender-based violence in the province. Ministers Parsons and Davis were joined by Kevin O’Shea, representing the Journey Project, and Mary Walsh of End Sexual Violence NL.

Among the actions, Minister Parsons announced the establishment of a ministerial committee to end gender-based violence, which she will chair.

Establishing such a committee demonstrates this government’s strong commitment to ensuring that the issue of gender-based violence is treated with the seriousness and attention it demands. The committee is comprised of ministers from the Office of Women and Gender Equality; Children, Seniors and Social Development; Education; Health and Community Services; Housing; Immigration, Population Growth and Skills; Justice and Public Safety; and the Office of Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation.

The ministerial committee to end gender-based violence will be creating multiple avenues for community involvement in its work, including regular presentations, focus groups, and other consultation opportunities, to share insights, concerns and ideas. Change will require shared learning, mutual support, and honest conversations.

Minister Davis announced that as part of the Policing Transformation Working Group’s mandate to help shape policing services in the province, the group examined the impacts of gender-based and intimate partner violence and, in consultation with numerous community stakeholders, the working group recommended that:

  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police-NL adopt a new policy to allow for the anonymous storage of sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) kits.
  • The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary adopt the national Violence Against Women Advocate Case Review model.
  • Additional resources be allocated for the RNC’s intimate partner violence unit, including the creation of a civilian victim services navigator position funded through the Office of Women and Gender Equality.
  • The establishment of a joint committee between the RNC and the RCMP to oversee provincial intimate partner violence matters.

Further information is provided in the backgrounder below.


“By investing in violence prevention, we are equipping our communities with the knowledge and tools necessary to recognize, prevent and address gender-based violence. This approach is vital in breaking the cycles of violence and creating cultures of respect and understanding. Together we can help rebuild lives, where survivors have access to the supportive and effective programs they need, not just today, but in the long term.”
Honourable Pam Parsons
Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality

“As a government, we remain committed to making Newfoundland and Labrador a safer place for all. We recognize that gender-based violence is a significant issue, and these additional measures will provide further resources to support those impacted in our province.”
Honourable Bernard Davis
Minister of Justice and Public Safety

“The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary continues to work proactively to identify abusers in our communities. This funding will help our Intimate Partner Violence Unit work with victims and survivors and encourage and support them in whatever manner they choose. By working together with community partners and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, we can help survivors of intimate partner violence get the resources they need to stay safe.”
Chief Patrick Roche
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

“Gender-based and intimate partner violence affects many individuals and families in our province. It is an area that requires a dedicated collaborative effort. RCMP-NL is committed to working with our partners to support the victims/survivors of these crimes.”
Assistant Commissioner Pat Cahill
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

“The Journey Project is very pleased to learn of the additional supports and legal options for survivors of gender-based violence in the province. Since our inception, Journey has advocated for the full implementation of the Violence Against Women Advocate Case Review model, along with equitable access to the anonymous storage of SANE kits in each region. These initiatives represent a welcome step forward in strengthening justice supports for survivors in Newfoundland and Labrador. We are forever grateful to the many survivors and community partners who have created the necessary groundswell towards institutional transparency and accountability.”
Janet Lee
Provincial Director, The Journey Project

“Consent, choice, and survivor voices are essential tenets of the work of End Sexual Violence NL. We have been advocating for more trauma-informed, survivor-centred reporting options for decades, and are so pleased to learn of the new supports for survivors. As a provincial organization, we have been hearing the call from every region of the province for equitable access to an anonymous storage option for SANE kits. Anonymous storage will empower survivors across Newfoundland and Labrador by providing more time, space, and support to make informed decisions about reporting to the police, while ensuring their evidence is preserved securely. This and the other initiatives would not be possible without survivors articulating their needs and advocating for change in our province.”
Mary Walsh
Executive Director, End Sexual Violence NL


Learn more
Funding Awarded for 14 Community Violence Prevention Initiatives 

Minister Hogan Launches Policing Transformation Initiative

Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol Act Proclaimed

$13.6 Million In Federal Funding Announced to Help End Gender-Based Violence in Newfoundland and Labrador


  1. RCMP-NL to adopt a new policy to allow the anonymous storage of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) kits
    A SANE kit is a medical kit used to collect forensic evidence after a sexual assault has occurred. The RCMP-NL will adopt a new policy to allow for anonymous storage of these evidence kits, allowing victims across the province additional time to decide whether or not they wish to make a police report at a later date. This policy change nullifies the inequity that existed for sexual assault cases in the province, as RNC served jurisdictions permit the storage of anonymous SANE kits. The SANE program receives $225,000 annually through the Office of Women and Gender Equality.
  2. The RNC to adopt the national Violence Against Women Advocate Case Review model
    The RNC will adopt the Violence Against Women Advocate Case Review process which is an advocate-led case review model for sexual assaults. This independent process allows subject matter experts to review case files of all sexual assaults that did not proceed to charge. The process increases civilian oversight into police operations, and helps police better address sexual assault charges. The RNC will engage community partners on a review panel. The RCMP have an established case review process, the Sexual Assault Investigations Review Committee, with participation from community partners.
  3. Additional resources to be allocated for the RNC’s intimate partner violence unit
    Funding announced in 2024 to support the unit has been approved for a sergeant position within the RNC and will begin in the spring. Funding to support the hiring of a civilian victim services navigator position for the next two years is being provided by the Office of Women and Gender Equality, through the provincial portion of the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence. This position will also assist with implementing the case review process.
  4. An intimate partner violence joint committee to be established between the RNC and RCMP
    The RNC and RCMP will work together to establish a joint committee to oversee provincial intimate partner violence matters. This joint committee will enhance collaboration and allow both police agencies to work together and share in training, development and high priority files. Over $400,000 is provided annually by the Office of Women and Gender Equality to support the Intimate Partner Violence Units at the RNC and RCMP.

2025 01 23


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