Premier MacLauchlan releases statement on Truth and Reconciliation Commission
June 3, 2015
The Premier stated that it is important to be open to ways to both atone and move forward in a spirit of partnership and progress. “As a government we look forward to continuing to strengthen
relationships with the aboriginal people in this province,” said Premier MacLauchlan. “As an indication of our resolve, and the importance of the relationship with the Mi’kmaq people, the swearing-In of Members of the Legislative Assembly included a smudging ceremony led by Elder Thirly Levi, drumming and singing by Lone Cry Singers, and participants from members of Lennox Island and Abegweit First Nation Band Councils.”
The Premier, as minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, is committed to an established, ongoing dialogue with First Nation communities.
“In the way forward, we must embrace the principles of tolerance, respect and recognition in a new spirit of reconciliation and progress.”
Media Contact: Mary Moszynski
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