Opinion: Children of the Broken Treaty eye-opening read for Canadians – CBC
Sep 09, 2015
New book by Charlie Angus chronicles First Nation fight for right to on-reserve education
This week across Canada students will go back to school. Most will return to modern facilities with labs, gymnasiums, libraries with audio visual equipment and special needs teachers.
Most First Nations students on reserves will return to crowded, sub standard facilities that lack any so-called frills. Some will go to portable classrooms which are the legacy of the department of Aboriginal Affairs.
This is the sad reality for many First Nations’ students. Years of under-funding and lapsing much needed resources has resulted in school infrastructure that would cause a revolution if it occurred in a major city.
Read More: http://www.cbc.ca/news/aboriginal/children-of-the-broken-treaty-eye-opening-read-for-canadians-1.3218232