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Nunatsiavut wants to wait to talk methyl mercury – Labradorian

by ahnationtalk on March 21, 2016457 Views

March 21, 2016

Premature is the word Nunatsiavut Minister of Land and Natural Resources used to describe the Province wanting to sit down with Nalcor to discuss methyl mercury in Lake Melville.

“It’s not that we don’t want to sit down with them and discuss this,” Shiwak said, “It’s just until the research is in we don’t see what the point is. Nalcor told us they’ll only listen to the regulators and we’ve already showed them what we have so until the other data comes out we don’t see why we would.”

The data Shiwak is referring to is a Harvard study commissioned by the Nunatsiavut government regarding the effects of methyl mercury in Lake Melville. The first phase of the study was released in September but the second phase, which discusses human health impacts, won’t be available until mid-April or later.

Shiwak said that phase of the study is complete but right now they are waiting on peer review before it can be published, so the results of the study are confidential until that time.

Read More:–to-talk-methyl-mercury.html

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