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New Brunswick business groups calling on province to end fracking moratorium – APTN

by ahnationtalk on March 30, 2016518 Views

March 29, 2016

FREDERICTON — A collection of business groups is calling on the New Brunswick government to lift its fracking moratorium, but opponents say it’s a last ditch effort to save a failing industry.

The business groups have called a news conference for Tuesday in Fredericton to make their case.

“When you look at the unemployment levels being as high as they are _ almost 10 per cent unemployment in New Brunswick _ certainly there are a lot of families in New Brunswick who could use the jobs at a time when our economy is really in a significant slump,” said Joel Richardson, vice-president of the New Brunswick division of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters.

Others in the group calling for an end to the moratorium are The True Growth Natural Gas Working Group, Atlantica Centre for Energy, the New Brunswick Responsible Energy Development Alliance and the New Brunswick Petroleum Alliance.

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