NB State of Province – CP

by ahnationtalk on January 29, 2016492 Views

Source: The Canadian Press – Broadcast wire
Jan 28, 2016

FREDERICTON – New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant says a strong education system is needed to ensure job creation in the province.

Gallant used his annual state-of-the-province speech to announce an “education and new economy fund.”

He says the fund will allow his government to invest record amounts into the education system, post-secondary education, skills upgrading, innovation and research and development, but exact details will have to wait for Tuesday’s budget and announcements over the coming weeks.

New Brunswick is facing an aging population, an exodus of young people to find work, the closure of the potash mine near Sussex and a debt close to $12.5 billion.

The government is considering measures such as an increase in the HST for its budget Tuesday as a way to get the government’s finances in check.

As far as the economy in the short-term, Gallant says the government is supporting the responsible development of natural resources including the proposed Energy East pipeline.

(The Canadian Press)



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