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N.B. Indigenous divers among newest trainees in Canada’s ghost-gear retrieval program – CBC

by ahnationtalk on May 31, 2023153 Views

May 31, 2023

2 clean-up missions are planned this summer in the Gulf of St. Lawrence

A small group of Indigenous divers has been training in New Brunswick lakes and swimming pools ahead of two ambitious missions this summer, aimed at recovering lost and abandoned fishing equipment, also known as ghost gear.

“It’s a little nerve-racking,” said Katie Patles, one of the diving students who was practising new skills at Atlas Park near Bathurst on Saturday. “But I’m a fairly adventurous person so I’m hoping it goes well.”

Once certified, Patles and her team, along with harvesters from Esgenoopetitj and Natoaganeg First Nations in northeastern New Brunswick, will survey lobster-fishing areas 23 and 25 in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

The crews are scheduled to head out to open water the weeks of June 19 and July 17.

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