Minister Announces New Members for Advisory Committee on Labrador Transportation
July 28, 2015
Furthering Transportation Networks in Labrador
The Honourable David Brazil, Minister of Transportation and Works, today announced new members of the Minister’s Advisory Committee on Labrador Transportation. The committee appointments include recommendations made by each of the four Labrador MHAs, and members represent all regions of Labrador and a wide variety of stakeholder interests.
“Labrador presents some very unique challenges with respect to transportation needs. The advisory committee provides an important avenue to seek out input from a wide range of people across the region as to what issues need to be addressed, and what path forward will best serve their needs. I thank each of the members for their willingness and enthusiasm in taking on this role. The first matter the new committee members will focus on is the provision of marine services. I look forward to the valuable information and insights they can help us gather as we determine the most affordable and sustainable alternatives.”
– The Honourable David Brazil, Minister of Transportation and Works
The mandate of the advisory committee is to provide a two-way forum to share views and advice on policy, programs and services for transportation matters in Labrador and to develop a common understanding of the transportation needs of people and businesses throughout the region.
The members of the Minister’s Advisory Committee on Labrador Transportation are:
- Trent O’Brien, Vice-chair (Deputy Mayor, L’Anse au Loup)
- Junior Humphries (Deputy Mayor, Labrador City)
- Kate Mitchell (Nunatsiavut Government)
- Gaius Trimm (Labrador Straits Business Development Corporation)
- Mark Nui (Innu Nation)
- Jim Tuttauk (Hopedale Inuit Community Government)
- Melva Williams (Rigolet Inuit Community Government)
- Didier Naulleau (President, Combined Councils of Labrador)
- Sterling Peyton (President and Chair, Labrador North Chamber of Commerce)
- Irene Simpson-Bench (President, Labrador West Chamber of Commerce)
- James Holwell (NunatuKavut Community Council)
Biographies for each member are provided in the backgrounder below.
“The Provincial Government’s commitment to Labrador is unwavering and continues through this committee which is comprised of Labradorians who know transportation issues first-hand. I’m confident that with all regions of Labrador represented on the committee, these individuals will provide excellent advice with a Labrador lens for improving transportation in our region. I encourage all Labradorians to participate in upcoming discussions so that together we can make improvements which will further benefit our communities.”
– The Honourable Keith Russell, Minister of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
The new committee members held their first meeting in Happy Valley-Goose Bay yesterday with discussions focused on the future delivery of marine services. Over the coming weeks, committee members will hold discussions with their key stakeholders in relevant communities throughout Labrador. In addition, the general public or those who may be unable to participate in these discussions will be able to provide input through email and general mail. Further information on the consultations will be provided by the committee following their initial meeting.
“The new Transportation Advisory Committee is a step in the right direction towards correcting many of the issues facing Labradorians and the overall traveling public. The committee will allow our concerns to be heard and I am hopeful that we can work collaboratively with government to overcome the many, ongoing transportation issues that affect all the different regions of Labrador. By creating reliable transportation infrastructure in Labrador, our province will be proactively positioning itself for many natural resource opportunities yet to come in this region, and thereby guarantee its return on investment.”
– Committee Vice-chair, Trent O’Brien
Following their consultation sessions, the committee will provide a What We Heard document to the minister which will also be posted online.
- New members of the Minister’s Advisory Committee on Labrador Transportation were announced today by the Honourable David Brazil, Minister of Transportation and Works.
- The committee members represent a wide variety of stakeholder interests and all regions of Labrador. The appointments include recommendations from each of the four Labrador MHA’s.
- The first matter the committee will help address is the delivery of marine services. Committee members will hold roundtable discussions throughout the region over the coming weeks.
- Residents of Labrador will also be able to provide input by email and general mail. The committee will provide further information regarding the consultations in the coming days.
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Media contact:
Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Transportation and Works
709-729-3015, 689-2624
Vanessa Colman-Sadd
Director of Communications
Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
709-729-1495, 682-6593
Trent O’Brien
Vice-chair, Minister’s Advisory Committee
on Labrador Transportation
Biographical Information
Appointments to the Minister’s Advisory Committee on Labrador Transportation
Vice-chair, Trent O’Brien
Trent O’Brien currently serves as the deputy mayor of L’Anse au Loup, a position he has held since 2013 and he is the Assistant General Manager of Coastal Motors Ltd. He has taken an active role in advocating on issues important to Labradorians, particularly marine services. Mr. O’Brien holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and has completed many business and finance related courses. He has also served as the 2nd Chair of the Labrador South Development Corporation in Forteau.
Junior Humphries
Junior Humphries is currently the Deputy Mayor of Labrador City. He worked with the Iron Ore Company of Canada for 30 years, retiring in 2003. Mr. Humphries has been an active volunteer in Labrador West for 40 years and is presently the President of the Labrador West Minor Hockey Association. He is also been a member of the Labrador City Lions Club and is serving as a canvasser and zone captain with the NL Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Kate Mitchell
Kate Mitchell was elected as the Ordinary Member for Makkovik in the Nunatsiavut Assembly in Spring, 2014. She was subsequently elected by the Assembly as First Minister. Ms. Mitchell was born and raised in Makkovik, received a Certificate in First Nations Business and a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of New Brunswick. She has worked as the Executive Secretary to the Nunatsiavut Executive Council and Deputy Minister of the Nunatsiavut Secretariat. She is an active member of the community and has served on a number of boards including the Torngat Fish Producers Co-operative Society.
Gaius Trimm
Gaius Trimm is a member of the Labrador Straits Business Development Corporation and is the owner/operator of C&T Enterprises Ltd in Forteau. Mr. Trimm has a long history of community service including helping to establish the Labrador Straits Chamber of Commerce, serving on the Town Council of Forteau, and serving as President of the Labrador Straits Ferry Committee from 1996 to 2009. He is currently Vice-chair of the Board of Directors of the CBDC.
Jim Tuttauk
Jim Tuttauk is currently employed with the Hopedale Inuit Community Government and has also worked in communities throughout Labrador including Hopedale, Postville, Labrador City and Charlottetown. Mr. Tuttauk is a member of the Nunatsiavut Government, is Executive Vice President for Nunatsiavut on the Combined Councils of Labrador and has served as a volunteer firefighter in Hopedale.
Melva Williams
Melva Williams is currently employed with the Rigolet Inuit Community Government as Chief Administrative Officer. In this role and as a member of the community, she has been active in bringing forward information and ideas regarding the Labrador ferry and freight services and transportation in general. Ms. Williams has also served as a board member of the Labrador Inuit Association and previously was the Community Development Officer with the Rigolet Inuit Community Government.
Didier Naulleau
Didier Naulleau was elected President of the Combined Councils of Labrador in 2014. Mr. Naulleau immigrated to Canada in 1974 and joined the Canadian Forces in 1978. He was promoted to Master Warrant-Officer in 2008, and also served as G4 Maintenance in Ottawa and as Senior Technical Instructor for the Regimental Company in Borden. Mr. Naulleau moved to Pinware, Labrador in August 2013 and became mayor of the town in 2014.
Sterling Peyton
Sterling Peyton is currently President and Chair of the Labrador North Chamber of Commerce. Over the course of his career, Mr. Peyton worked with the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and as Deputy Minister of the Department of Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs. He has been involved in various capacities with many organizations including the Labrador Canoe Regatta Association, the Labrador Winter Games, the Goose Bay Airport Corporation, the Lake Melville Tourism Association and Ronald McDonald House NL.
Irene Simpson-Bench
Irene Simpson-Bench is currently President of the Labrador West Chamber of Commerce and has been employed with Scotiabank since 1984. She is also President of the Labrador Health Centre Auxiliary and is an active Rotarian. Ms. Simpson-Bench was awarded the first Female of the Year for the Kiwanis Club in 2004.
Mark Nui
Mark Nui is currently responsible for negotiating Impacts and Development Agreements and reconciling overall issues for the Innu Nation. Mr. Nui was born in Utshimassits (Davis Inlet), he has served in elected positions as Grand Chief of the Innu Nation and Chief of the Mushuau Innu First Nation. In his role as Innu Rights/Land Claims Negotiator, Mr. Nui worked on the negotiations and framework for the Trans Labrador Highway, Mealy Mountain National Park, Voisey’s Bay and other significant resource and Innu rights issues such as the New Dawn agreement and the Lower Churchill Impact Benefits Agreement.
James Holwell
James Holwell is a member of the NunatuKavut Community Council. Mr. Holwell was born in Porcupine Bay, Labrador and has lived in Spotted Island and Happy Valley-Goose Bay. He began his career with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans as a Fishery Officer in 1981 in Black Tickle and Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Throughout the years, he took on positions of greater responsibility, and acted as liaison with Aboriginal groups in Labrador, until he retired in 2010.

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