Mi’kmaq articled clerk being called to the bar, believed to be a P.E.I. first – CBC
Aug 20, 2021
The bar call itself will be unique and focused on reconciliation
A Mi’kmaq articled clerk is being called to the bar on P.E.I. next week, and he’s believed to be the first Mi’kmaq and Indigenous person openly identified to be called to the bar on the Island.
Michael Sima has been working with Pamela Large-Moran (PLM) Law and says his bar call on Tuesday will be special, in a way that will recognize his Mi’kmaq heritage.
There will be smudging, a prayer, two oaths, including an Indigenous one, as well as the eagle feather teaching.
“As the first Indigenous person, it is overwhelming,” he said. “I will be wearing an Indigenous medallion and ribbon shirt, which has never been done before, over the traditional court robe.”
Read More: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-indigenous-lawyer-1.6147380

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