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Memorial-led partnership yields Inuit symposium in Labrador – MUN

by ahnationtalk on January 29, 2016526 Views

It was the first of many. And if the response was any indication, a research project led by Memorial and the Nunatsiavut Government has plenty of ideas on ways to protect and preserve Labrador Inuit tradition and culture.

Thanks in large part to a five-year, $7.4-million partnership―funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Memorial and the Nunatsiavut Government―a symposium was held for the first time in early December in Nain, Labrador, aimed at generating new knowledge and sharing ideas. It’s one of the outcomes of the research project titled Tradition and Transition Among the Labrador Inuit led by Dr. Tom Gordon, the principal investigator and professor emeritus from Memorial’s School of Music.

“Our goal from the outset has been to generate dialogue across ways of knowing—to be able to find meaningful ways in which traditional knowledge and academic knowledge can not only complement one another, but find a means of integration,” said Dr. Gordon. “This symposium was an encouraging first step.”

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