Media Statement – CACP Executive and Board of Directors meet in Whitehorse
Whitehorse, YT – The Executive and Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) are excited to hold their quarterly meeting, for the first time in its history, in the City of Whitehorse.
The gathering of senior police leadership, representative of the wide-spread regions of Canada and elected by the membership of the CACP, provides an opportunity to discuss the issues affecting policing on a national level and focus on the priorities of the CACP.
“We certainly will be engaged in a number of important issues during our short time in Whitehorse, especially given that this is our first meeting since the recent federal election,” stated Chief Clive Weighill, President of the CACP. “We share with the Government of Canada, a common commitment to ensure the safety and security of all Canadians. It is always critical that we bring a policing perspective when public policy is being developed.”
The CACP continues to focus on national priorities which cover a number of contemporary policing issues and include: mental health (police interactions with the public and policing personnel); First Nations/Inuit policing and missing and murdered indigenous women and girls; the sustainability of community safety; information sharing, privacy and lawful access; public perceptions of policing, with respect to professionalism, accountability; cybercrime; crime prevention, and; evidence-based research among others.
RCMP Chief Superintendent Peter Clark represents the Northern Territories on the CACP Board of Directors: “The visit to Yukon by the Board of Directors is historic as never before have so many police leaders from across Canada travelled to the north to discuss important issues that impact the safety of our communities.”
In commemoration of this visit to Whitehorse, the CACP Executive and Board of Directors are making a donation, on behalf of its members, to the Special Olympics Yukon Law Enforcement Torch Run.
For further information, please contact:
Timothy M. Smith
Government Relations and Strategic Communications
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
Mobile: 613-601-0692 E:
About the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) was established in 1905 and consists of approximately 1000 members from across Canada, 390 which are active police leaders. The Association is dedicated to the support and promotion of efficient law enforcement and to the protection and security of the people of Canada. Through its member police chiefs and other senior police executives, the CACP represents in excess of 90% of the police community in Canada which include federal, First Nations, provincial, regional and municipal, transportation and military police leaders.
Much of the work in pursuit of its new mandate, developed in 2013, “safety & security for all Canadians through innovative police leadership” is done through the activities and special projects of a number of committees and through active liaison with various levels of government and departmental ministries having legislative and executive responsibility in law and policing.
Our Board of Directors includes Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Commissioners and Directeurs of Police Services who are representative of the widespread regions of Canada and who are elected by the membership. This group of executive officers is assisted in the management of the organization’s affairs by an Executive Director located at the national office in Ottawa, which serves as the central coordinating bureau for the Association’s various activities.
The CACP Executive and Board of Directors meets each quarter to review the priorities/operations of the CACP, which include:
CACP Priorities for 2015-2016:
• Mental health and policing
• First Nations/Inuit policing and MMIW
• Sustainability of community safety/accountability
• 700 MHz – Public Safety Broadband Network
• Information sharing – privacy, lawful access etc.
• Public perception of policing
a. professionalism and ethics b. accountability c. use of force
• Radicalization/violent extremism
• Operationalize committees
• Operationalize communications to members
• Evidence based research
• Crime prevention
Many of the initiatives and the work of the Association and its committees through the year are reported on at the annual conference when recommendations are tendered and resolutions adopted. In many cases, these form the basis of the Association’s ongoing work on behalf of the policing community and the society that it serves.
The CACP website can be found at and provides latest news and details of up-coming CACP conferences.

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