Islanders invited to participate in pre-budget consultations

by ahnationtalk on January 14, 2016597 Views

Pre-budget consultations are beginning online and across the province, says Finance Minister Allen Roach.“Government continues its work to balance the 2016-17 budget and we need to hear from Islanders about how we can reach this goal,” Minister Roach said. “We need input on what programs and services are most important to them, where savings can be found, and how we can increase revenue and grow our economy.”

Feedback on the budget can be provided online at until February 18 and at four public consultation sessions from 2 to 4 p.m. at the following locations (call 902-368-5501 to pre-register for each session):

O’Leary, January 21 (storm date February 18); Charlottetown, January 28 (storm date February 19);

Summerside, February 4 (storm date February 25) – French interpretation services will be available; and

Montague, February 11 (storm date February 26).

For more information or to provide feedback, visit


Media Contact: Brad Chatfield


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