Honouring our Sisters: Bear River to host celebration of the lives of murdered and missing Indigenous women – Nova News Now
April 29, 2016
BEAR RIVER – Women from Annapolis Royal and Bear River First Nation are working together to honour the missing and murdered Indigenous women across Canada.
I dance cause I love, dance cause I dream
Dance because I’ve had enough, dance to stop the screams
Staff at the Women’s Place Resource Centre (WPRC) and members of the Bear River First Nation have planned a day of prayer, song, dancing and solidarity to celebrate the lives of the thousands of Indigenous women murdered or gone missing.
Read More: http://www.novanewsnow.com/News/Local/2016-04-29/article-4513733/Honouring-our-Sisters%3A-Bear-River-to-host-celebration-of-the-lives-of-murdered-and-missing-Indigenous-women/1