Homeless survey finds 137 people in Sydney area without a place to live – CBC
At least 24 sleeping outside or in places ‘not fit for human habitation’
Jun 22, 2016
A survey of homelessness done this spring in Cape Breton Regional Municipality found 137 people without permanent residences including some who were living in places “not fit for human habitation.”
Those numbers, presented to regional council Tuesday, are shocking, says Fred Deveaux, executive director of the Cape Breton Community Housing Association.
“Twenty-four of those individuals were sleeping outside or in a place not fit for human habitation,” he told council.
“There were another 30 in shelters, 17 were in non-permanent transitional housing, 36 were in transitional facilities such as Elizabeth Fry or Howard House and there were 30 couch-surfing on that day, so they were staying with friends or family.”
Read More: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/survey-homeless-cape-breton-regional-municipality-1.3646829