Environmental Assessment Bulletin

by ahnationtalk on November 1, 202370 Views

November 1, 2023

The Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, has announced the following relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.


Hampden Residential House                                                                  (Reg. 2275)
Proponent: Zeta Osmond

The proponent proposes to construct a residential dwelling at 28 Elms Place in the Town of Hampden, off Route 421. The dwelling will be located on a 0.31-hectare lot approximately 62 metres from the Hampden River. Development will consist of land clearing and leveling; the construction of a driveway and one-storey residential dwelling with concrete foundation; and the installation of a water and sewer system. Future ancillary buildings may be constructed including a garage and shed. A description of the project can be found on the department’s webpage at: www.gov.nl.ca/ecc/env-assessment/projects-list/.

The undertaking was registered on November 1, 2023; the deadline for public comment is December 6, 2023; and the minister’s decision is due by December 16, 2023.

Maccles Lake Road Beef Farm Expansion                                         (Reg. 2274)
Proponent: Gordon’s Farm / Maccles Ridge Ranch

The proponent is proposing to expand their existing beef farm by approximately 39 hectares for forage production. The farm is located near Maccles Lake Road off Route 310, and near the town of Glovertown. The development of forage fields would include land clearing and leveling; the addition of soil amendments (limestone and fertilizers); and the planting of forage crops including grasses, legumes and grains.  A description of the project can be found on the department’s webpage at: www.gov.nl.ca/eccm/env-assessment/projects-list/.

The undertaking was registered on November 1, 2023; the deadline for public comment is December 6, 2023; and the minister’s decision is due by December 16, 2023.


Port au Port-Stephenville Wind Power and Hydrogen Generation Project (Project Nujio’qonik GH2)
Proponent: World Energy GH2 Inc.      (Reg. 2202)

Following government and public review of the August 22, 2023 submission of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Port au Port-Stephenville Wind Power and Hydrogen Generation Project (Project Nujio’qonik GH2), the minister has determined that more information is needed and an amendment to the EIS is necessary to inform the significance of the environmental effects.

Learn more
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Climate Change
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Environmental assessment information is available at:



Follow us on X: @GovNL and @ECC_GovNL

Project comments may be forwarded to: EAProjectComments@gov.nl.ca

Anyone submitting comments on a project under environmental assessment is asked to please advise the Department if they DO NOT wish to have their comments shared with the Project Proponent.


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