Elder Freda May Augustine shares stories from Elsipogtog – NB Media Co-op
August 29, 2024
My auntie Soggii Freda May Augustine was born May 20, 1936 and raised in Big Cove Indian Reserve, also known as Elsipogtog First Nation.
Soggii is the daughter of the late John Simon and Mary Jane Simon Levi, and wife of the late Captain Peter Joe Augustine Sr., also from Big Cove Indian Reserve. They were both involved in the church and wakes; here, in Elsipogtog, we bring our loved ones home for wakes.
Soggii’s siblings were her five brothers: William John, Herman John, Stephen John, Gabriel John, and Joe Harry Simon. She also had two sisters: Rita May and Dora May Augustine.
Read More: https://nbmediacoop.org/2024/08/29/elder-freda-may-augustine-shares-stories-from-elsipogtog/