Deadline Approaches to Vote by Mail or at an Elections Canada Office
October 9, 2015
- Electors who are away from their electoral district during advance polls or on election day can vote by mail or in person at an Elections Canada office in any of the 338 federal electoral districts across the country, but they must act before 6:00 p.m. on October 13.
Voting at an Elections Canada office:
- Electors who choose to vote in person must visit an Elections Canada office before 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13.
- All offices are open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. throughout the advance poll weekend.
- Electors will find the address of the nearest Elections Canada office online or by calling 1 800 463-6868.
Voting by mail:
- Electors travelling or living abroad, or who find it more convenient, can choose to vote by mail, but they must act quickly.
- Applications to vote by mail must reach Elections Canada by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 13.
- Electors can submit their application online or mail a paper application form. Forms are available online, as well as at any Elections Canada office or Canadian mission abroad. They can also be requested by calling 1 800 463-6868.
- Once Elections Canada approves an application, a voting kit is mailed to the elector.
- Electors voting by mail should plan ahead. They must allow time for their voting kit to reach them, and for their marked ballot to return to Elections Canada.
- Once an elector’s application to vote by mail has been accepted, they may not vote at regular or advance polls.
“Voting by mail or at an Elections Canada office are convenient options, particularly for electors who may be travelling,” says Chief Electoral Officer Marc Mayrand. “If you want to vote by mail, apply as soon as possible to allow for transit time and to ensure that your application and then your completed ballot reach us before the deadlines.”
Elections Canada is an independent body set up by Parliament.
Elections Canada Media Relations
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