Daniels Decision Huge Win for Southern Inuit of Nunatukavut
HAPPY VALLEY-GOOSE BAY, LABRADOR, April 14, 2016 – NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) President Todd Russell today issued the following statement:
“The Supreme Court of Canada today ruled in favour of Métis and Non-Status Indians in the Daniels vs Canada case, ending a 17-year legal battle. In its decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government has constitutional jurisdiction for all Indigenous peoples in Canada.
The highest court in the land was unequivocal in its decision that the federal government has a responsibility to treat all Indigenous peoples equally. This is a huge victory for the Southern Inuit of NunatuKavut. Building upon the commitment from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the path to a NunatuKavut land claim acceptance is clearer and more assured than it has ever been.
This historic win ensures that we must have equitable access to programs and services like Non-Insured Health Benefits, housing and education, which have long been denied our people. This will have a tremendous impact on our overall well-being.
From this moment forward, we shall never be excluded or forgotten again. This outstanding decision recognizes our humanity and dignity as Indigenous people in Canada and I am honoured to have been a part of this historic day.
Now, we can truly continue to build a nation-to-nation relationship with the Government of Canada and gain the recognition that we deserve and have been fighting for generations.”
For regular updates, please visit our website at www.nunatukavut.ca. Please also join in the conversation at facebook.com/nunatuKavut and Twitter @nunatuKavut. For further information, please contact
Kelly Nippard, Director of Communications, NCC, 709-280-5965.

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