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Crawford Chair’s Mary Beth Doucette Wins Vital Cape Breton Excellence Award

by ahnationtalk on December 4, 2015569 Views

CBU Alumna Mary Beth Doucette has been recognized as a vital part of the Mi’Kmaw community during the second Vital Cape Breton Excellence Awards on December 3, 2015.

Mary Beth has a degree in Industrial Engineering for Dalhousie and a Master of Business Administration, Community Economic Development from Cape Breton University.

Currently holding the position of Executive Director of the Purdy Crawford Chair in Aboriginal Business Studies, Mary Beth has been an invaluable part of the relationship between Membertou and Cape Breton University since 2010.

The growth and developmental success of our local Mi’Kmaw community remain Mary Beth’s focus – her graduate research focusing on community economic development in First Nations communities.

Her work with the Purdy Crawford Chair focuses mainly on a few key areas: the research behind what drives success in Aboriginal communities, the enhancement of the business curriculum in Nova Scotia, aboriginal student recruitment nation-wide for the study of business and secondary and post-secondary mentorship.

Mary Beth also remains active within the community, currently sitting on the Membertou Governance Committee, Membertou Band Council Member and board member of New Dawn Enterprises.

“I am flattered that the Cape Breton partnership has chosen me as the recipient of a Vital Award. I think it’s wonderful that they are making an effort to celebrate the efforts of young people across the island. But, I also feel there are other young people in the community, and in the Mi’kmaw Community specifically, who are much more actively engaged and deserving of recognition than I am.”


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