CAP/IPAC congratulates Todd Russell of re-election as President of Nunatukavut Media Release (04/01/2016) Ottawa, ON – “I would like to congratulate Mr. Russell on being re-elected for his 6th term as President,” said Dorey. “The Indigenous community recognizes his important contribution and dedication – he has served Nunatukavut well, and I hope he continues to do so for many years to come.”
NOTE: The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) is changing its name to the Indigenous Peoples’ Assembly of Canada (IPAC). The transition will take place in the coming months. For further information: CAP announces new name (IPAC).
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples is the national voice representing the interests of Métis, status and non-status Indians, and Southern Inuit Indigenous People living off-reserve. Today, over 70% of Indigenous people live off-reserve.
To arrange an interview with National Chief Dwight Dorey, please contact:
Phone: (613) 747-6022
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