Budget That Invests in Nova Scotians Coming April 19
March 30, 2016
Premier Stephen McNeil told the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce that government will table a budget that invests in Nova Scotians on Tuesday, April 19.
“Government has shown it can protect the province’s financial health while making smart, strategic investments to grow Nova Scotia’s economy,” said Premier McNeil. “Business confidence is up, our population is at an all-time high, and youth unemployment is dropping. We are seeing signs of hope – momentum is building.
“Our job is to build on the momentum we have and that is exactly what the next budget on April 19 will do.”
Finance and Treasury Board Minister Randy Delorey addressed a crowd at the Halifax Chamber of Commerce, saying the government’s commitment to protecting its financial health remains.
“If spending more and more of Nova Scotians’ money was the solution to our economic problems, the economy would be booming,” said Mr. Delorey.
Government’s first two budgets held the line on expenses while making investments in job creation, public education, and skills and jobs training.
“Smart, strategic decisions will help grow our economy,” said Mr. Delorey. “They are also necessary to protect our province’s financial health.”
To watch Mr. Delorey’s full pre-budget speech, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qfnmaks_Xg.
Media Contact: David Jackson
Email: David.Jackson@novascotia.ca
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