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Broken tax pledge irks Nova Scotia mining industry – Chronicle Herald

by ahnationtalk on April 25, 2016429 Views

April 21, 2016

The province now has two strikes against it in the eyes of Nova Scotia’s mining companies.

This week’s budget marked the second straight year the McNeil government has broken a promise to the $420-million mining and quarrying industry, says the Mining Association of Nova Scotia.

In May 2014, then-Finance Minister Diana Whalen wrote to MANS executive director Sean Kirby, describing the industry as “critical to the success” of Nova Scotia’s economy and assuring MANS the government would fulfil during the final three years of its current term its election promise to phase in a fuel tax rebate for off-road vehicles used in mining and quarrying operations. In November 2015, then-Natural Resources Minister Zach Churchill promised the industry would start receiving the rebate in 2015. However, the government’s 2015 budget did not make the change and this week Finance Minister Randy Delorey’s budget omitted it.

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