Applications Open for Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program
April 23, 2024
Today, the Honourable Paul Pike, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development, is announcing a call for applications for the 2024-25 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program.
Age-friendly communities play a vital role in promoting overall well-being by addressing a wide range of needs across various aspects of life and supporting people of all ages and abilities to age well in the right place and participate meaningfully in their communities.
The program provides funding support to eligible incorporated municipalities, Indigenous Governments and Organizations and provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations with an age-friendly mandate and includes:
- Up to $10,000 to conduct an age-friendly assessment or to implement aspects of an existing Age-Friendly Action Plan.
- Up to $15,000 for eligible communities including local service districts that take a regional approach.
To obtain a copy of the program guidelines and application form, please visit the department’s website or call toll-free 1-888-494-2266. The application deadline is May 27, 2024.
Communities/organizations that received funding through the 2023-24 Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program include:
- Benoit First Nation Inc.
- City of St. John’s
- Flat Bay Band Inc.
- Placentia Chamber of Commerce
- Town of Centreville-Wareham-Trinity
- Town of Fogo Island
- Town of Gambo
- Town of Gander
- Town of Harbour Breton
- Town of Harbour Grace
- Town of North West River
- Town of Point Lance
- Town of Summerford
- Town of Torbay
- Town of West St. Modeste
- Youth 2000 Centre (Y2C) Corporation
For more information on last year’s recipients, please see the backgrounder below.
As part of Budget 2024, the Provincial Government is investing $95,000 for the program for 2024-25.
“As a government we recognize the importance of improving the well-being of people in communities. Encouraging communities to become more age-friendly will provide a strong foundation for an inclusive and accessible province where everyone is supported to live and thrive. I encourage eligible municipalities and organizations to apply for the Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program and help build a province that fosters health and well-being across all ages and abilities.”
Honourable Paul Pike
Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development
“Our province is home to diverse communities with residents of all ages. Supporting our communities to implement age-friendly initiatives improves the holistic well-being of residents and enables greater accessibility and inclusivity. I’m pleased to see the launch of the Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program and encourage eligible communities and organizations to take full advantage of this program.”
Honourable John Haggie
Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs
“For more than 10 years, Age Friendly Placentia, a community initiative of the Placentia Chamber of Commerce with support from the Provincial Government Age-Friendly Communities Program, has helped bridge generations by introducing and leading many age-friendly and intergenerational initiatives in the Placentia area. This has helped create an environment where seniors are respected for the valuable contributions they make and are given a chance to let their strengths and talents shine.”
Winnie Barry, Program Coordinator
Placentia Chamber of Commerce
Learn more
Age-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Program

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