AFN Call for Community Papers and Stories
AFN Call for Community Papers and Stories
September 15 2015
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is pleased to invite researchers, policy makers, mental health and addictions front-line workers, mental wellness organisations, and others with an interest in mental wellness to submit articles and papers for our upcoming Mental Wellness Bulletin. Share your expertise, experience and strength-based promising practices in mental health care as they relate to First Nations and the First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum (FNMWC) Framework.
Themes (as outlined in the FNMWC):
(1) Continuum of Essential Services – Health Promotion; Prevention; Community Development; Early Identification and Intervention; Crisis Response; Detox; Trauma-informed Treatment; Recovery; etc.
(2) Supporting Elements – Performance Measurement; Governance; Research; Education; Workforce Development; Change Management and Risk Management; and Self-determination.
(3) Indigenous Social Determinants of Health – Social Services; Justice; Education; Language, Heritage and Culture; Land and Resources; Economic Development; Employment; Health Care; Housing; etc.
(4) Key Themes for Mental Wellness – Community Development, Ownership and Capacity Building; Quality Care System and Competent Service Delivery; Enhanced Flexible Funding; etc.
(5) Culture as Foundation – Elders; Cultural Practitioners; Kinship Relationships; Language; Practices; Ceremonies; Knowledge; Land; Values; etc.
Chosen articles and papers will be published in the upcoming Mental Wellness Bulletin. We hope that this Bulletin will be a resource for First Nations individuals, communities and health practitioners; recognizing that mental wellness and substance use issues continue to be a priority concern for many First Nations.
Submissions must include the title of the paper, the subject(s) or theme(s) it addresses, brief information on the author(s), as well as a 300-1500 word paper. One or two figures (photos or graphs) may be also included. The author(s) agrees that the work they are submitting meets the appropriate criteria and does not infringe upon any copyright or intellectual property laws.
The submission deadline is October 30, 2015.
The quality, the suitability and appropriateness of the proposed paper(s) as well as their relevance to the themes will guide the committee in determining which will be published in the bulletin.
Please submit your community paper and stories to Kassandra Woods at .
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