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AFN Bulletin – Non-Insured Health Benefits Joint Review

by ahnationtalk on August 27, 2015887 Views


AFN Bulletin – Non-Insured Health Benefits Joint Review

AFN-FNIHB Joint Review of NIHB

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) have undertaken a Joint Review of the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program with the following objectives:

  • Enhance client access to benefits;
  • Identify and address gaps in benefits;
  • Streamline service delivery to be more responsive to client needs; and,
  • Increase program efficiencies.

The NIHB Joint Review began in September 2014 after concerns were raised by First Nations, leading to advocacy efforts by First Nations leadership and the AFN.  The review is guided by a Steering Committee made up of members from the Chiefs Committee on Health, the National First Nations Health Technicians Network and the National NIHB Navigators Network.  The Steering Committee has equal representation from First Nations and FNIHB staff, including two Assistant Deputy Ministers with the authority to make program changes. The group is collectively guided by an Elder.

The NIHB Joint Review is expected to take two years ending March 2017.  A final report will be issued with findings and recommendations of the Steering Committee.  Benefit areas will be examined separately and there will be an individual report for each area.  You can get more information on the Joint Review by on the AFN Health website:

The first benefit area to be reviewed is Short Term Crisis Intervention Mental Health Counselling (STCIMHC).  This review is underway now.  The Joint Review Steering Committee wants to provide opportunities for input from First Nations, health care professionals and service providers.  To contribute your thoughts, please visit:

The deadline for feedback for this benefit area is September 18, 2015.  For more information on the Joint Review process please visit or contact:

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