Aboriginal youth learn about health care profession opportunities – Western Star
August 07, 2015
Shawna Dicker was having trouble figuring out what she wanted to do when she completes high school in two more years.
She’s still undecided, but attending the Healers of Tomorrow Gathering at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University in Corner Brook this past week may have shed a bright light on the opportunities that await her.
The 16-year-old from Nain was one of a dozen aboriginal high school students from across the province who took part in the health care career camp offered through Memorial’s School of Medicine. While the university is hoping to attract some future physicians, the camp exposed the participants to a wider array of health care professions, whether they required a university degree or a college diploma.
“I think it’s very interesting because there are different branches of pharmacy,” she said. “So, if I don’t like one, I could go to a different branch of it.”
Read More: http://www.thewesternstar.com/Living/2015-08-07/article-4238345/Aboriginal-youth-learn-about-health-care-profession-opportunities/1