Aboriginal Law Report update for the week ending May 1, 2016 – First People’s Law
While the federal and provincial governments discussed the possibility of bulding pipelines, Indigenous opposition continues
- As news of Enbridge revival spreads, opponents ready for battle
- Trudeau under growing pressure to lead charge for pipelines
- Internal Documents Show Feds Doubted Their Own First Nations Consultation Process for Northern Gateway Pipeline
- Alberta gains Ottawa’s ear with plea for pipelines
- Enbridge eyes alternate B.C. ports for Northern Gateway as Notley discusses possibility with Trudeau
- First Nations groups unmoved on pipeline opposition
- Power to build pipelines not entirely in political hands
- First Nation support for Pacific NorthWest LNG growing
- Doug Cuthand: First Nations must pursue own interests in resource projects
Read More: http://www.firstpeopleslaw.com/index/articles/250.php