A new year and a new beginning – The Coast Halifax

by ahnationtalk on December 23, 2015580 Views

Truth and reconciliation with Halifax’s urban aboriginal community.

They say timing is everything—well now is the time for the urban aboriginal community to begin to develop a new relationship with Halifax Regional Council and the citizens of HRM. With a new year on the way, the possibilities are endless.

On December 8, 2015 the mayor presented a Statement of Reconciliation to council which recognized the traumatic impact that Canada’s Indian Residential Schools have had and still have on aboriginal people, their families and communities. I view the statement as potentially being the catalyst to begin to build a mutually beneficial relationship with the urban aboriginal community. It must be one that is based on genuine commitment to learn from the lessons of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission—to work with us to bring about the real change that is needed.

Read More: http://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/a-new-year-and-a-new-beginning/Content?oid=5115611

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